Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Qanuqtuurniq - DAY THREE

"Qanuqtuurniq - Finding the Balance" - May 13, 2009 starting at 4pm

Episode on Inuit Youth, Coping Skills and Endurance: "Makkuktuuvunga, Upimmavunga – I am young, and I am proud"

Many things are being done at the community level – often by youth themselves – to help young people cope with and overcome difficult times in their lives."Makkuktuuvunga, Upimmavunga – I am young, and I am proud" will get youth talking about how they deal with problems, face challenges, and move forward. The episode will also share some stories of promising programs and activities that are making a difference in the lives of Inuit youth. It will provide suggestions for how families and communities can support youth, build self-esteem and give them hope.

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